Monday, 29 July 2013

Catch of the Day

My lovely boyfriend has taken up fishing of late. We have spent a few afternoons traipsing the coast in search of the deadliest catch. Actually, it hasn't been quite as exciting as that  but joking aside, there have been some amazing spots and I have to admit that I've never fully appreciated just how lucky I am living so close to such stunning coastlines. St Abbs in particular was an incredibly stunning evening (and if you're a history geek like me, check out the story of the boat wreck that led to a lifeboat station here.)


So, I was in luck when last Friday he texted me a photo of his latest catch with the subtitle 'Dinner'. Two sleek, elegant mackerel caught fresh in Granton Harbour. Wonderful!

Now, as much as I would love to take credit for researching the gorgeous recipe that is about to follow, I cannot - I was round at my best mate's, having the obligatory Friday glass of wine. While I was gone, the boy set about cleaning and gutting the fish, and making a delicately spiced rub for the mackerel fillets. Alongside this was a salad of fresh leaves, fine slivers of shallots and orange segments with a red chilli, wholegrain mustard, clear honey and orange dressing. Perfect. 

I was even lucky enough to have some left over for me for lunch the following day. So two beautiful mackerel fillets were coated in a spice rub made from black peppercorns, coriander seeds, orange zest and some red chilli. Four minutes under the grill, and these little beauties were good to go. 

Placed on the salad, with some of the zingy dressing and there I had a healthy, tasty lunch which I would highly recommend to anyone. The spices and the citrus dressing cut through and complemented the oily fish, with the sweetness from the orange and the sharp shallots making it a perfect combination.

Here's to more fresh catches from our lovely local coastlines.
Next blog will be little less fishy - I know that there are one or two folk out there who aren't the biggest fans of seafood. If anyone has suggestions or recipes, do let me know...

1 comment:

  1. If it hadn't been for that second last sentence you would have been getting a telling off for this reoccuring fishy theme! You saved it... just! lol

    In all seriousness, well done and here's to another obligatory glass Thursday! xx
